What is an example of propinquity?
What is an example of propinquity?
The definition of propinquity is nearness in place or time, or similarity of nature. An example of propinquity is the nearness of a slaughterhouse to a hotel, making it difficult to rent rooms. An example of propinquity is the shared mannerisms of two sisters.
What does propinquity mean in ethics?
Propinquity refers to the proximity or physical closeness of one person to another. The greater the degree of propinquity, the more likely that two people will be attracted to each other and become friends.
How do you use propinquity in a sentence?
Propinquity in a Sentence ?
- Since my school is huge and my classes are not in near propinquity to each other, I walk a great deal between the hours of 7 am and 3 pm.
- The propinquity of the danger ahead made the scouts turn around and take a different path.
Who created the propinquity theory?
The law of propinquity The theory was first crafted by psychologists Leon Festinger, Stanley Schachter, and Kurt Back in what came to be called the Westgate studies conducted at MIT.
What is the opposite of propinquity?
Opposite of nearness or proximity in place or time. distance. remoteness. farness. openness.
What is the propinquity effect?
the tendency of individuals to form close relationships with people they repeatedly encounter. That is, the more often one comes into contact with another person, the more likely it is that one will form a friendship or romantic relationship with that person.
What does Bentham mean by propinquity?
Propinquity (nearness or remoteness) (N)–We can set up a future indifference curve based on a “store of satisfaction” such as money (q. v., below). Propinquity of pleasure depends upon how long one must wait for the pleasure to occur.
What is a synonym for idiosyncrasy?
eccentricity, mannerism, peculiarity, trait, affectation, bit, characteristic, distinction, feature, habit, singularity, trick.
What are the three brain system of love?
According to Dr. Helen Fisher, one of the preeminent researchers in the field of human affections, love can be divided into three major systems of the brain: sex, romance, and attachment.
What is propinquity in utilitarianism?
Propinquity is also one of the factors, set out by Jeremy Bentham, used to measure the amount of (utilitarian) pleasure in a method known as felicific calculus.
What are Bentham’s six criteria?
intensity, duration, certainty, propinquity, fecundity, purity, and extent. The less intense the pleasure of an action the less valuable that action is. However, if the action leads to intense pleasure then its value goes way up.