How do I find identity protection PIN?

If you lost your IP PIN, you can use the same IP PIN tool you used to apply for your PIN on the IRS website to retrieve it. If you can’t retrieve your IP PIN online, you can call the IRS at 800-908-4490 to have your IP PIN reissued.

Does everyone have an identity protection PIN?

Most taxpayers don’t need one. However, if you received an IP PIN or CP01A notice from the IRS in the past (or you opted in to the pilot program) you must use your 2021 IP PIN to validate your identity when you file your 2021 return. We are unable to issue IP PINs and you won’t find them on your tax paperwork.

What is identity protection IP PIN?

An Identity Protection PIN (IP PIN) is a six-digit number that prevents someone else from filing a tax return using your Social Security number or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number. The IP PIN is known only to you and the IRS. It helps us verify your identity when you file your electronic or paper tax return.

How do I get my 2021 IRS PIN?

If you want an IP PIN for 2021, visit and use the “Get an IP PIN” tool. This online process will require that you verify your identity using the Secure Access authentication process if you do not already have an IRS account.

Is my IP pin the same every year?

A new IP PIN will be generated each year. If we assigned you an IP PIN, you must use it to confirm your identity on any return filed during the current calendar year. This includes current year returns as well as any delinquent tax returns.

Is IP pin mandatory?

Requesting an IP PIN is strictly voluntary. If you choose not to participate in the program, you can file your return as you normally would. If you are assigned or if you request an IP PIN, you must use it—along with your SSN—to confirm your identity on any tax returns filed electronically during the calendar year.

Does my IP PIN change every year?

A new IP PIN will be generated each year. If we assigned you an IP PIN, you must use it to confirm your identity on any return filed during the current calendar year. This includes current year returns as well as any delinquent tax returns. An IP PIN is used only on Forms 1040, 1040-PR and 1040-SS.

How do I request a PIN from the IRS?

How to get your IP PIN reissued. If you’re unable to retrieve your IP PIN online, you may call us at 800-908-4490 for specialized assistance, Monday – Friday, 7 a.m. – 7 p.m. your local time (Alaska & Hawaii follow Pacific Time), to have your IP PIN reissued.

When should I receive my IRS pin?

After the taxpayer passes authentication, an IP PIN will be mailed to them within three weeks. Taxpayers should never share their IP PIN with anyone but their tax provider. The IRS will never call to request the taxpayer’s IP PIN, and taxpayers must be alert to potential IP PIN scams.