What is a the difference between a clipping mask and a layer mask in Photoshop?

Layer mask controls the visibility of layers to which it is applied. Clipping mask allows you to create a mask by clipping one or more layers to another layer or layer group below.

Is layer mask the same as clipping mask?

Clipping masks allow you to hide portions of an image, but these masks are created using multiple layers, whereas layer masks only make use of a single layer. A clipping mask is a shape that masks other artwork and only reveals what lies in shape.

How do I turn a layer into a clipping mask in Photoshop?

Create a clipping mask

  1. Hold down Alt (Option in Mac OS), position the pointer over the line dividing two layers in the Layers panel (the pointer changes to two overlapping circles), and then click.
  2. In the Layers panel, select the top layer of a pair of layers you want to group, and choose Layer > Create Clipping Mask.

What is the difference between layer mask and clipping mask procreate?

With Clipping Masks, you can have several layers masked by the one shape. Another key difference is that you can see the mask itself. In Layer masks, the form of the mask is only visible where it overlaps with the contents of the layer it is applied to.

What would be an advantage to using a clipping mask instead of a layer mask?

In many cases this would be fine but other times you’ll prefer to mask those pixels instead of delete them. Generally speaking, layer masks provide more control over a single layer’s pixels. Clipping masks are used to hide areas of a layer based on pre-made selections or paths.

How many layers do you need to create a clipping mask?

To create a clipping mask, we need two layers. The layer on the bottom controls the visibility of the layer above it. In other words, the bottom layer is the mask, and the layer above it is the layer that’s clipped to the mask.

What is the difference between alpha lock and clipping mask?

When you use a clipping mask, your art is on a separate layer, which can make the process of blending it with the layer below it tricky. With alpha lock, your art is on the same layer as your existing art, which can make blending more seamless.