What is meant by sustainable yield?

The sustainable yield of renewable natural resources is traditionally defined as the extraction level of the resource which does not exceed the growth.

What is an example of a sustainable yield?

The term sustainable yield refers to the harvest of a specific (self-renewing) natural resource—for example, timber or fish. Such a yield is one that can in principle be maintained indefinitely because it can be supported by the regenerative capacities of the underlying natural system.

What is the difference between yield and sustainable yield?

Thus, safe yield is the maximum pumpage for which the consequences are considered acceptable. Groundwater sustainability is defined as the use of ground water in a manner that can be maintained for an indefinite time without causing unacceptable consequences. Alley et al.

How is sustainable yield calculated?

How is it calculated? The SYC is calculated using a forest management model that considers the acres available for management and capable of growing timber, and projects how timber stands with grow and change over time.

Why is sustainable yield important?

In environmental science, optimum sustainable yield is the largest economical yield of a renewable resource achievable over a long time period without decreasing the ability of the population or its environment to support the continuation of this level of yield.

What is sustainable yield quizlet?

Sustainable yield is the highest rate at which we can use a renewable resource indefinitely without reducing its available supply.

What affects sustainable yield?

The sustainable yield of a given resource will generally vary over time with the needs of the ecosystem to maintain itself, e.g. a forest that has recently suffered a blight or flooding or fire will require more of its own ecological yield to sustain and re-establish a mature forest.

What is sustainable yield in water?

Groundwater supply sustainable yield is herein defined as how much water can be withdrawn from an aquifer system, where and for how long, with acceptable physical, economical, environmental, social, cultural, institutional, and legal consequences.

What is the maximum sustainable yield?

The maximum sustainable yield (MSY) for a given fish stock means the highest possible annual catch that can be sustained over time, by keeping the stock at the level producing maximum growth. The MSY refers to a hypothetical equilibrium state between the exploited population and the fishing activity.

How is maximum sustainable yield measured?

It is measured in tonnes. MSY: Maximum sustainable yield is, theoretically, the largest yield (catch) that can be taken from a specific fish stock over an indefinite period under constant environmental conditions. It is measured in tonnes. caught and removed by fishing).

What is maximum sustainable yield in apes?

maximum sustainable yield. The maximum usable production of a biological resource that can be obtained in a specified time period without decreasing the ability of the resource to sustain that level of production. maximum sustainable-yield population. The largest population size that can be sustained indefinitely.

What does maximum sustainable yield mean what factors complicate its application?

What does maximum sustainable yield mean? What factors complicate its application? The highest possible rate of use that the system can match with its own rate of replacement or maintenance.