Why is the middle meningeal artery susceptible to injury?
Why is the middle meningeal artery susceptible to injury?
It is vulnerable to injury at this point, where the skull is thin. Rupture of the artery may give rise to an epidural hematoma. In the dry cranium, the middle meningeal, which runs within the dura mater surrounding the brain, makes a deep groove in the calvarium.
What artery is most likely to be injured should there be repeated blows to the pterion?
Extradural haemorrhage This typically occurs when the middle meningeal artery is torn by a skull fracture in the region of the pterion, where the bone is thin and is closely related to the underlying vessel (Fig.
Which hematoma occurs along the temporal cranial wall and results from tears in the middle meningeal artery?
Extradural Hematoma Extradural hematomas are typically situated in the temporoparietal region and are associated with fracture of the temporal bone with resultant damage to the middle meningeal artery. They may, however, be bilateral or occur within the posterior cranial fossa.
What does the middle meningeal artery supply?
The middle meningeal artery provides blood to the dura mater through and through its branching arteries also supplies the periosteum of the inner aspects of the cranial bones.
How do you stop the middle meningeal artery from bleeding?
Conclusion: Intra-FS MMA ligation is an effective method for control of bleeding from the interdural space of the middle fossa during the ATPA.
What is the clinical importance of knowing the location of the middle meningeal artery?
Middle meningeal artery (MMA)is an important branch which supplies among others cranial dura mater. It directly attaches to the cranial bones (is incorporated into periosteal layer of dura mater), favors common injuries in course of head trauma.
What is the common location of epidural hematoma?
How common are epidural hematomas (EDHs)? Epidural hematomas (EDHs) occur in up to 10% of people with head injuries. About 75% of EDHs in adults happen in the temporal area of the brain (side of your head over your ear).
How can you tell the difference between an epidural and a subdural hematoma?
An epidural hematoma lies outside (on top) of the dura mater (epi is Greek for upon), while a subdural hematoma lies inside (beneath) the dura mater (sub is Greek for below) and outside the arachnoid mater.
What is hematoma embolization?
Seal off blood supply to the middle meningeal artery to prevent growth of subdural hematoma. Other Name: MMA Embolization with polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) particles. Procedure: Drainage of Subdural Hematoma.
Is the middle meningeal artery intracranial?
In these cases, the SA keeps its embryonic origin from the petrous ICA, passes through the middle ear, and gives it 2 branches: one intracranial, which corresponds to the MMA, and the other extracranial, which leaves the cranial cavity through the foramen spinosum.
Which type of hematoma is worse?
Acute: This is the most dangerous type of subdural hematoma. Symptoms are severe and appear right after a head injury, often within minutes to hours. Pressure on the brain increases quickly as the blood pools.